The night before heading to Whistler for Summit (it was awesome!), I started messing around in Illustrator. I came up with a little idea that I liked and decided to take it a step further, so I opened Photoshop and got to work. It progressed fairly well, so I started working on the HTML the next day. By the end of the plane ride to Vancouver I had a single page mostly done, with all the images and everything.
I was busy the next few weeks, so put it aside. When I flew home yesterday, I decided to actually make it work. So here it is. There are probably a few things I’ll tweak when I see them, but I hope to keep this for a while.
I also decided to actually write my own comment system. I was pretty unhappy with Disqus. Disqus has potential, but it required more work than it took for me to write my own. I have a basic “human test” to prevent against spam. We’ll see how well it works. If you commented here previously, I’ve taken the liberty to copy your comment into the new system, adding a link to your website if I knew it.
I’ve wrapped up my summer with Mozilla, so I’ll have more content about what I did coming shortly.